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・Urata S and Institute of Fiscal and Economic Policy (ed.) Globalization and Japanese Economy, (in Japanese) (Chapter 6 Iguchi Y. “Reform of migration policy and its contribution to East Asian economic integration: based on an analysis of re-shoring of manufacturing industry”) Tokyo, 2009

・ Ito S.(ed) Business Dynamics in East Asia, (in Japanese) (Chapter 6: Iguchi Y. "Movement of Persons and R&D Functions in East Asia"), Ochanonmizu Shobo, Tokyo 2006

・Osawa M.(ed) Welfare Strategy in Asia, (in Japanese) (Chapter 3:Iguchi Y. "Foreign Labor in Asia")Mineruva Shobo, Kyoto 2004

・Iguchi Y. "The New Era of Labor Migration" (in Japanese) Chikuma Shinsho, 2000 

・Iguchi Y. "International Migration and Labor Market" (in Japanese) Japan Institute of Labor,1997

・Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare(ed) Present Situation of Foreign Worker's Policy in Selected Countries(Second Edition)(in Japanese) (Iguchi Y.: "Germany" and "France") Nikkan Rodo Tsushin Sha, Tokyo, 2003

・ Debrah Y..(ed) Migrant Workers in Pacific Asia (in English) (Iguchi Y. "Foreign Worker and Labor Migration Policy in Japan") Frank Cass, 2003

Association of Social Policy (ed),Globalization and Social Policy , (Iguchi Y."Challenges for Public Policy and Regulatory Reform to cope with Globalization in the 21st Century") , Tokyo, 2002

・Suzuki T., Nishida M (ed) Development of Service Economy (Iguchi Y." New Development of Trade in Services") (in Japanese) Ochanomizu Shobo, Tokyo  2001

・Institute of Population and Social Security (ed)  Supports for Child Bearing in the Era of Declining Fertility (in Japanese)(Asako K., Kaneko Y., Iguchi Y.and Fukawa T. "Planning New System in the Era of Declining Fertility", Iguchi Y. and Nishimura T. "Employment System and Declining Fertility from the Standpoint of International Comparison") 2002

・Kuwahara Y.(ed) Foreign Labor under Globalization , (Iguchi Y.," Evaluation of migration policies(ch. 12)") Toykokeizai Shimpou Sha, 2001

・von Maydell, B., Shimomura T. and Tezuka K. (ed) Entwicklungen der Systeme sozialer Sicherheit in Japan und Europa(Iguchi Y."Probleme der Pflegeversicherung in Japan-Pflege und Pflegearbeit in der Umwanderung" Drucker &Humblot, Berlin (in German)

・Takato A.(ed) Declining fertility rate and tasks of social laws, (Iguchi Y.,"The global demographic movement and declining fertility rate in Japan" )(in Japanese) Hosei University Press, 1998

・Tezuka K. and von Maydell, (ed) Ways to Aged society- Symposium on Social Security In Japan and  Europe, (Iguchi Y. "Is the work of care for the elderly a promising employment opportunity?") (in Japanese)Shinzan-Sha, 1997

・ Weiner M. and Hanami T.(ed) Temporary Workers or Future Citizens?-Japanese and US  Migration Policies, (Iguchi Y. "What we can learn from the German experience of Foreign Labor") Macmillan Press Ltd 1998 (in English)

・Kuwahara, Y and Rengosoken (ed) Creating Future of Labor, (Iguchi Y. "The effects of globalization on the employment and labor market") (in Japanese) , Daiichi Shorin, 1997 

・Japan Institute of Labor (ed) Regulations of Foreign Workers (Iguchi Y. "Monitoring employment of foreign workers") (in Japanese) JIL, 1995

・JIAM (ed) JIAM Book 1 (Iguchi Y. "Foreign workers' problems" )(in Japanese) JIAM Foundation 1995 revised in 1999

・Onishi T.(ed) The German Economy (Iguchi Y. "Labor market and industrial relations") (in Japanese) Waseda University Press 1992